Multi-scale environmental remote sensing for understanding dust in the high latitudes

Mineral dust is now established as having a key influence in a wide range of biogeochemical cycles, and as a significant player within the Earth system. While most research on dust has been undertaken in the desert low latitudes, the operation of high latitude regions as important dust sources has only recently been appreciated. This importance is especially acute because dust generated in high latitude regions may have local impacts on particularly sensitive environmental and ecological systems (e.g. cryosphere, Arctic lake systems).

While low latitude dust research has been well-informed by satellite studies, a number of challenges has meant the full potential of using remote sensing to better understand dust processes at the high latitudes has not yet been realised. This PhD will tap the diverse and exciting range of Earth Observation resources that now exist, applying them to examine dust activity at different temporal and spatial scales in a global study of the high latitude regions. The project offers an excellent chance to develop high level expertise and experience in a wide range of satellite and climate datasets, as well as GIS techniques, and apply them to better understanding land-atmosphere interactions in the high latitude environments.

Grant reference
Natural Environment Research Council
Total awarded
£0 GBP
Start date
30 Sep 2022
3 years 6 months
End date
30 Mar 2026