Monitoring & modelling ice rich permafrost coastal responses to in-situ and dynamic drivers in a changing climate along the Beaufort Sea coast, Canada

Research Questions:
1. What are the current wide-scale rates of permafrost degradation and erosion? 2.

How do in-situ controls affect the wide-scale rates of permafrost degradation and erosion? 3. How do dynamic controls affect the wide-scale rates of permafrost degradation and erosion? Projected Outcome of the Study – Modelled current rates of permafrost coastal change for 6 sites throughout the Beaufort Sea will be identified. In-situ and dynamic drivers will be assessed to show any potential correlation they have on rates of change. When these drivers are considered alongside
current modelled rates, the outcome can be used to generate future predicted rates among climate change. Thus, establishing a valuable tool which could be applied across other Arctic permafrost coastlines.

Grant reference
Natural Environment Research Council
Total awarded
£0 GBP
Start date
30 Sep 2020
3 years 6 months 1 day
End date
31 Mar 2024